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  • Les Partisans ‎- Style Off CD
    Les Partisans ‎- Style Off CD

    Description: Soul flavoured streetpunk from France inspired by the likes of Stiff Little Fingers, The Redskins, Kortatu, Nuclear Device, The Jam, Angelic Upstarts, Camera Silens...
    Format & package: CD (jewelcase)
    Year of release:…

    € 10,00
  • Blaggers ITA - United Colors Of Blaggers ITA
    Blaggers ITA - United Colors Of Blaggers ITA

    Description: A band that needs no introduction. This CD compiles the United Colors LP as well as the Blaggamuffin 12" from 1991.
    Format & package: CD (jewelcase)
    Year of release: 2010 (reissued from 2010)


    € 8,00
  • Klasse Kriminale - Kidz Property Since 1985 CD
    Klasse Kriminale - Kidz Property Since 1985 CD

    Description:Compilation to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Klasse Kriminale
    Format & package: CD (jewelcase)
    Year of release: 2010
    1 Ci Incontreremo Ancora Un Giorno
    2 Solo Un Cuore
    3 Non E Un Gioco
    4 Reclaim The…

    € 10,00
  • Attila The Stockbroker - Disestablished 1980 CD
    Attila The Stockbroker - Disestablished 1980 CD

    Description: A 30th Anniversary Compilation of Attila's best songs – solo and with Barnstormer. For this release, aimed specifically at a mainland European audience, Attila has selected the best recordings of his best songs –…

    € 8,00
  • Attila The Stockbroker - Live At The Greys CD
    Attila The Stockbroker - Live At The Greys CD

    Description: 'Live at the Greys' is Attila's most recent spoken word album, recorded at one of Brighton's best-loved music pubs in March 2015 and featuring all his latest poems plus two studio bonus tracks. It is released to…

    € 8,00
  • No Man's Land - No Way Back Home LP
    No Man's Land - No Way Back Home LP

    Description: Since it's founding in 1994 No Man's Land developped into one of the leading Asian Oi! bands. This album is the 7th full-length by the Indonesian based bootboys and originally appeared on CD in 2015. The vinyl issue…

    € 11,90
  • Glory Days / Dead End Street - split 7"
    Glory Days / Dead End Street - split 7"

    Volume two in the 'Oi! The International Street Punk League' series, limited to 300 copies.
    Glory Days from Poland delivers a killer new song in the vein of Blitz, Criminal Damage, etc with strong vocals! Italy's Dead…

    € 5,90
  • Lazy Class / Max Cady - split CD
    Lazy Class / Max Cady - split CD

    Description: Two polish bands on a split CD. Lazy Class plays Oi! / streetpunk band from a surprisingly high level while Max Cady on the other side plays a mixture of punkrock, Oi! and a bit of HC.

    Format & package: CD…

    € 6,00
  • Lazy Class / Max Cady LP
    Lazy Class / Max Cady LP

    Description: Two polish bands on my favourite format (full size 45er)!
    Lazy Class plays Oi! / streetpunk band from a surprisingly high level while Max Cady on the other side plays a mixture of punkrock, Oi! and a bit of…

    € 11,90
  • The Jollars - Half Cut CD
    The Jollars - Half Cut CD

    Description: The Jollars from Cork City, Republic of Ireland were formed after the breakup of the streetpunk band Cruibin and founded with the intention of representing the Oi! sound they love. Inspired by bands such as Runnin…

    € 10,00
  • No Man's Land - The Way We Feel EP
    No Man's Land - The Way We Feel EP

    Description: The Indonesian bootboys are back with a new EP! The A-side originally appeared on The Best Of 1994-2012 CD from 2012 and is previously unreleased on vinyl. Both songs on the flipside are recorded exclusive for this…

    € 5,90
  • Last Rough Cause / Society's Rejects - Skins 'n' Punks vol.1 LP
    Last Rough Cause / Society's Rejects - Skins 'n' Punks vol.1 LP

    Description: Finally available on vinyl again. The debut by LRC (North East England) and 8 songs by Cardiff's Society's Rejects. Since 2005 Tony plays drums in The Oppressed.
    Format & package: LP
    Year of release: 2015 (reissued…

    € 12,90
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