Jeremy Collingwood - Sir Coxson Dodd: His Musical Mightyness BOOK

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€ 29,90 (including VAT)

In over 200 full colour pages HIS MUSICAL MIGHTYNESS documents Dodd’s vinyl output during the first six years of Jamaica’s new Urban music – from Boogie Shuffle to Ska. Presented imprint by imprint and illustrated with over 900 label scans HIS MUSICAL MIGHTYNESS shines a light on this founding period of Jamaican music. During this period Dodd not only released the majority of singles in Jamaica, but they were of a consistently high standard meaning that today – some 60 years on – they still get people up and dancing.

Sections focus on Dodd’s Sound Systems and businesses as well as the musicians he used and the live scene in Jamaica. His extraordinary achievement of starting a business in the Sound System scane, in Colonial Jamaica and becoming an absolute founding father of a Jamaican music and entertainment culture - that has influenced global music culture to this day – is documented in this first ever cataloguing of his Jamaican vinyl releases.
Format: full size
Year of publication: 2024
Number of pages: 210

Specification Description
Weight 1,3 Kg
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