Jeremy Collingwood - Earthquake On Orange Street: Buster's Jamaican Singles Story BOOK

SKU: 9780953935024
Item 1 of 8
€ 12,90 (including VAT)

Mind-boggling discography devoted to the Jamaican releases of Prince Buster's productions from 1961's Oh Carolina by the Folkes Brothers to 1977's Uganda by Yusuf Ali & The Revolutionaries. The titles; A and B sides, are listed by year of release with matrix numbers and introductory notes for each year.
Packed with information, there is a black checker which will help identifying your white label pre-releases, a list of the Rock-A-Shacka reissues and pages of full colour life size reproductions of the various label designs, as well as a sample of white labels complete with "sound man markings". Hours of fun and a useful resource, this is the result of hours of furrow-browed research and really only serves to increase ones desire to see more of Buster's music reissued immediately and properly.
Format: full size
Year of publication: 2018
Number of pages: 58

Specification Description
Weight 0,25 Kg
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