Clinton Fearon - Breaking News LP

SKU: LP1114
Item 1071 of 1923
€ 27,90 (including VAT)

The making of "Breaking News" is unusual to Clinton Fearon.Previously the master was recording a guiding track for eachsong in the first days of studio, with just his voice and his guitar captured at once, and then starting a track-by-track recording with the musicians of his band in Seattle. This time, Clinton Fearon recorded a proper demo with most of the tracks on file, all performed himself, with sound engineer Pete Remineat Dubtrain Studio in his neighborhood. The demo was sentto the musicians in France for practice. The musicians of TheRiddim Source who are performing Clinton Fearons music arethe greats Xavier Kubix B?gue (guitar), Julien Manjul Souletie(vocals and percussions), Simon Saymon Coutant (drums),Thomas Mato Cirade (bass) and Muctaru Wurie (keyboards).From Clintons own words, the best set of musicians he everplayed with.
Format & package: LP in gatefold cover
Record label: Baco / Boogie Brown
Year of release: 2022
A1 Breaking News
A2 Don't Dump It
A3 Social Unrest
A4 New Chapter
A5 Have Some Fun
B1 Sweet Morning Sun
B2 Brace Yourself
B3 I Wanna Dance
B4 Trod On
B5 I Am Thankful

Specification Description
Weight 0,3 Kg
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