Negu Gorriak - Hipokrisiari Stop! (Bilbo 93-X-30) LP

SKU: EO045
Item 93 of 322
€ 24,90 (including VAT)

Hypokrisiari Stop! Bilbo 93-X-30 is the fifth album by the Basque band Negu Gorriak and their first live album. Recorded in "Itxurakeriari Stop!! Hypocrisy Tour 93", the most intense and ambitious tour with 35 concerts in ten European countries.For the 30th anniversary of the label Esan Ozenki, we have prepared a few special editions including three references that were missing to complete Negu Gorriaks vinyl discography. In gatefold format and with revised designs including photos, posters, concert tickets...
Format & package: LP in gatefold cover
Record label: Esan Ozenki
Year of release: 2021 (reissued from 1994)
A1 ¿Cando Se Xoga A Pelota Aqui ?
A2 Bi Doberman Beltz
A3 Lehenbiziko Bala
A4 Ez Dezagun Sal - Esan Ozenki - Rock & Rollaren Jukutria
A5 Pistolaren Mintzoa
A6 B.S.O.
A7 Bost Gehiago
A8 Itxoiten
B1 Oker Dabiltza
B2 Hipokrisiari Stop!
B3 Irakatsitako Historia
B4 Borreroak Baditu Milaka Aurpegi
B5 Hemen Izango Bazina
B6 Gora Herria
B7 Radio Rahim
B8 Hator, Hator

Specification Description
Weight 0,3 Kg
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