Negu Gorriak - Gure Jarrera DOUBLE LP

SKU: EO001
Item 94 of 322
€ 32,90 (including VAT)

For the 30th Anniversary of the birth of Esan Ozenki Records, among other actions that we will carry out, we will edit during 2021 the rest of Negu Gorriak's discography that is not yet available in this format. The first release could not be other than "GURE JARRERA", the album with which this adventure began.A special double vinyl edition that includes the long-discontinued maxi "GORA HERRIA".
Format & package: Double LP in gatefold cover, extended reissue
Record label: Esan Ozenki
Year of release: 2021 (reissued from 1991)
A1 Sarrera
A2 Lehenbiziko Bala
A3 Ez Dezagun Sal
A4 NG Badoa
A5 Bisitari Iraultzailea
B1 Itxafero Mekanikoa
B2 Zipaioen Matxinada
B3 Begipuntuaren Xedea
B4 Buru Garbiketa
B5 Song Number On
C1 Beste Golpe Bat
C2 Ustelkeria
C3 B.S.O.
C4 Azkena
C5 Euskal Herri Nerea
C6 Epilogoa (Gora Herria)
Bonus tracks: "Gora Herria" (MaxiSingle 1991)
D1 Euskal Herria Nerea
D2 Gora Herria (Remix)
D3 B.S.O. Dub
D4 Zu Atrapatu Arte
D5 Apatxe Gaua

Specification Description
Weight 0,5 Kg
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