Negu Gorriak - Borreroak Baditu Milaka Aurpegi DOUBLE LP

SKU: EO031
Item 73 of 191
€ 31,90 (including VAT)

Both in the studio and live, the top rock-hardcore band south of the Pyrenees in the 90s. 25 years have passed since Rockdelux magazine chose this as the best disc of the year. A dense, powerful piece of work, that improves with time.
Format & package: Double LP
Record label: Esan Ozenki
Year of release: 2018 (reissued from 1993)
A1 Bi Doberman Beltz
A2 NG Bada
A3 Bost Gehiago
A4 Hipokrisiari Stop!
A5 Dollar Area
A6 Itxoiten
B1 Dallas-Euskadi 1963
B3 Kolore Bizia
B4 No Problem
B5 Sabel -Hiztunaren Ordu Ikaragarria
B6 Hiltzeko Eta Ugari
C1 Denok Gara Malcolm X
C2 Borreroak Baditu Milaka Aurpegi
C3 Rock&Rollaren Jukutria
C4 Pistolaren Mintzoa
C5 Erori
D1 Chaquito
D2 Euskaldunok Eta Zientzia
D3 Hemen Izango Bazina
D4 Kaixo
D5 Arrano Beltza

Specification Description
Weight 0,5 Kg
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