Scientist - Encounters Pac-Man LP

SKU: MIR100740
Item 1144 of 1453
€ 18,90

With this 1982 album, Scientist delivers one of his most progressive mixes, deconstructing the originals down to their skeletal base and adding just the right amount of mixing board-generated Echoplex and reverb with his patented minimal sound. A landscape resplendent with steely piano, depth-charge drums, and futuristic dub effects; a mind-warping yet eminently enjoyable way to check into dub central.
Format & package: LP
Record label: Dub Mir
Year of release: 2023 (reissued from 1982)
A1 Under Surveillance
A2 Prince's Wrath
A3 Space Invaders Re-Group
A4 World Cup Squad Lick Their Wounds
A5 Vampire Initiative
B1 Malicious Intent
B2 The Dark Secret Of The Box
B3 S.O.S.
B4 Man-Trap
B5 Look Out - Behind You!

Specification Description
Weight 0,4 Kg
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